The Fair is a place you can have a grand time while giving back to your community! Every year we strive to make the Fair the very best that it can be, but this can only be accomplished with the help of our many wonderful volunteers! Check out the different ways you can volunteer to help.
The Weld County Fair-Hands are a group of OUTGOING, ENTHUSIASTIC people, with a passion for fun and people!
The Fair is a place you can have a grand time while giving back to your community! Every year we strive to make the Fair the very best that it can be, but this can only be accomplished with the help of our many wonderful volunteers! Volunteers work in a variety of capacities to help keep the tradition of the Weld County Fair alive. Our Fair is a FREE family event in our community the last week of July, which could not run without the power and dedication of volunteers. We are currently seeking volunteers to be a part of this elite group, no “fair experience” necessary. Would you consider joining our AWESOME team of helping hands.
Areas we are looking for help include, but are not limited to: -CHEERFUL project check-in/check-out clerks -FRIENDLY greeters and shuttle drivers -HAPPY lunch servers -SMILING traffic directors -ENERGETIC hands to keep our grounds beautiful
A sincere thank you to all of our past, present, and future volunteers. The success of our Fair is a direct result of all that our volunteers give to our event! If you have questions about becoming a volunteer, please contact Cheryl Aragon at (970) 400-2085, or email at