Fair Board

The Weld County Fair is planned and presented by a volunteer board appointed by the Weld County Board of Commissioners, along with the Weld County Fair Coordinator and staff. Colorado State University Extension Agents and Weld County FFA Advisors serve as educational advisers to the Fair Board.

Fair Board Meeting and Events Calendar

May 2024(PDF, 74KB)

June 2024(PDF, 75KB)

July 2024(PDF, 71KB)

The Weld County Fair Board has cancelled its August 2024 Meeting and will resume its regular meeting schedule in September.  That meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024, in light of the Labor Day Holiday.  

August 2024(PDF, 81KB)

September 2024(PDF, 65KB)

Join Zoom Meeting

Fair Board Meeting

The Weld County Fair Board has cancelled its August 5, 2024, meeting and will resume its normal schedule in September.  That meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 9, 2024, in light of the Labor Day Holiday.



Article I

Name: The name of this Board shall be the “Weld County Fair Board” (hereinafter “Fair Board”) in conformance with the resolution creating the Fair Board adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter “the Commissioners) of Weld County, Colorado, on October 1, 2019, and as may be modified or amended by future resolutions of the Commissioners.

Article II

Objectives: To assume leadership and conduct the operations of the Weld County Fair (hereinafter “the Fair”), as follows:

  • Be accountable to the Commissioners.
  • Set and implement policies related to the Fair.
  • Establish appropriate rules and regulations consistent with 4-H and FFA rules and regulations for the operation of the Fair.
  • Identify and secure all sources of revenue necessary to conduct the Fair and be accountable to such sources.
  • Authorize and sign all checks related to the Fair activities.
  • Make arrangements for non-4-H and FFA events and other non-educational aspects of the Fair.
  • Conduct the Fair with the assistance of the Weld County Office of Colorado State University Extension (hereinafter “Extension”) according to the rules and regulations established by the Fair Board.

Article III

Members: The volunteer members of the Fair Board, appointed by the Commissioners, shall number seven (7) and shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Commissioners. Reasonable efforts shall be made to assure members represent all geographic areas of Weld County and varied aspects of the Fair.

  1. Application: Application for membership on the Fair Board shall be made to the Commissioners. Membership is open to Weld County residents irrespective of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or national origin. An application to the Commissioners is required for any appointment to the Fair Board, including filling of a vacancy.
  2. Term: To establish staggered terms, the first members shall be appointed as follows: two (2) with an initial term of one (1) year; two (2) with an initial term of two (2) years; and three (3) with an initial term of three (3) years. Thereafter, each member shall be appointed to fill a three (3) year term, with appointment or reappointment prior to the Fair Board’s annual meeting in October of each year. Board members may serve no more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms.
  3. Vacancies: A vacancy occurs when a Fair Board member does not complete a full term. The Fair Board may recommend to the Commissioners nominees for replacement of any vacancies which occur. A person appointed to fulfill an incomplete term of a Fair Board member shall be considered eligible to serve for two (2) three (3)-year terms when the assumed term has been completed.
  4. Appointment: Applicants are appointed to the Fair Board by the Commissioners. Applications received by the Commissioners will be made available to the Fair Board President, Fair Coordinator, and Extension Office Director or their designees, who will review and make recommendations to the Commissioners prior to appointment. Nominations shall remain open until all appointments or vacancies are filled.
  5. Each member of the Fair Board shall be entitled to one vote and must vote in person. If an emergency event occurs and at least 4 Board members are unable to meet physically, a meeting may take place using electronic communications that allow for a record of proceedings.
  6. Weld County Extension staff and one (1) representative from a Weld County FFA chapter will serve as ex-officio members.
  7. Each Fair Board member shall be responsible for certain committees as agreed upon by Fair Board members.

Article IV

Officers: The four (4) elected officers shall include: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

  1. Duties: The President shall preside over all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Fair Board. He/she may call special meetings of the Fair Board, upon twenty-four (24) hours notice to all members, at times he/she feels it is necessary to properly conduct the business of the Fair. The President, in cooperation with the Fair Coordinator, will establish the agendas for the monthly meetings.
    The Vice President shall act in place of the President in the absence of the President. He/she shall be responsible for coordinating all of the Fair’s committees, both standing and otherwise (except the nominating committee). He/she shall serve as an ex-officio member of said committees. The Secretary shall keep a written record of all official Fair Board meetings, including regular and special meetings, and see that they are properly recorded and distributed. The Secretary will also relay incoming communications to the Fair Board and complete outgoing correspondence as directed by the Fair Board.
    The Treasurer in conjunction with the Extension Accountant, the Comptroller of Weld County and outside auditing agency shall keep a record of all monies, see that all bills are paid and monies owed collected, present an annual financial report to the Fair Board and the Commissioners, and have the financial statement audited each year by county auditors. The Treasurer shall be on the signature card for the checking and Money Market accounts for the Fair, along with the President, Vice president, and Secretary. At the discretion of the Fair Board, the Director of the Extension Office may also be included on the bank signature cards to be a signer of checks. Two (2) authorized signatures shall be required on each check request, but only one (1) signature need be on the check as written. The Accountant of the Extension Office shall be granted administrative access to the accounts of the Fair for transferring money, reconciling accounts, and other necessary functions of that position.
    Executive Committee: The four (4) elected officers shall comprise an Executive Committee and shall have the authority to:
    (a) act upon any emergency situation that may require immediate
    action when it is impossible to assemble a quorum of the Fair Board; and (b) to process administrative matters for presentation to the Fair Board at its regular or special meetings.
  2. Terms: Terms for Fair Board officers are one year.
  3. Elections: Officers shall be elected and installed by the Fair Board at the October annual meeting each year.

Article V

Meetings: Regular meetings of the Fair Board shall be held the first Monday of each month throughout the year. Members shall be notified of changes in meeting dates due to holidays and facilities scheduling conflicts. Special meetings may be scheduled by the President upon twenty-four (24) hours notice to all members.

Article VI

Parliamentary Authority: All meetings of the Fair Board shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

Article VII

Amendments of By-Laws: These by-laws may be altered, amended, or replaced in whole or in part by a resolution of the Commissioners. The Fair Board may make recommendations for alterations, amendments, or replacements of the by-laws to the Commissioners for their consideration.

Article VIII

Quorum: A quorum of the Fair Board shall consist of four (4) members.

Approved by Weld County Commissioners: February 10, 2021.

Board Members

Aaron Helus, President
Landon Cogburn, Vice President
Isaia Aricayos, Secretary
Courtney Smith, Treasurer
Tom Bledsoe, Member
Bailey Naibauer, Member
Levi Loveland, Member
Shannon Baylie, FFA Representative 

Fair Committees

List of Fair Committees

  • All Around Showmanship
    • Board Liaison - Aaron Helus
  • Carcass Contest
    • Board Liaison - Isaia Aricayos
  • Drug Testing
  • Board Liaison - Courtney Smith
  • Co-Chair - Lynn Erickson
  • Co-Chair - Dr. Kristy Campbell
  • Education:
    • Board Liaison - Tom Bledsoe
    • Chair - Shannon Bailey
  • Jr. Livestock, Animal Health
    • Board Liaison - Bailey Naibauer
  • Jr. Livestock Sale
    • Board Liaison - Landon Cogburn
    • Chair - Fred Kayser
  • Premier Exhibitor
    • Board Liaison - Landon Cogburn
  • Royalty
    • Board Liaison - Tom Bledsoe
    • Pat Kindvall
    • Kianna Holcomb
    • Megan Miller
  • Security, Parking & Risk Management
    • Board Liaison -Levi Loveland

Interested in serving? Please visit the Boards and Commission page for more information.