October 7, 2024 Minutes

Weld County Fair Board Minutes

October 7, 2024

The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Aaron Helus.

Members Present: Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, Secretary Isaia Aricayos, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe.  

Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Kim Eastwood and Mikayla Gabel

Special Guests: Cary Weiner- Interim Director at Larimer County total 14 years with county. 

Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; additions made to new business, motion passed. 

Special Guests/Requests:

  1. Commissioner Report – Commissioner Buck misses previous Extension director, interim director joining us this evening.
  2. Royalty Update – Queen Madison Miller – meeting held last month, Gala was held with over 100 guests in attendance, over $3200 funds raised at event.

Old Business:

  1. Committee Terms/Evening – Nov 20 tentative date set for parli-pro training with Keith Maxey for Fair Board.
  2. Verbal Agreement with City – pending selection of new director.
  3. Working Budget – Courtney review with board – line items updated accordingly.
  4. Fair Coordinator Update – a few loose ends to wrap up.

New Business:

  1. Committee Application-- Royalty--MOTION to approve Amy Rabe as committee member by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed.
  2. Committee Application--Drug Testing--MOTION to approve Keisha Kornman as committee member by Tom Bledsoe, second by Courtney Smith; motion passed. 
  3. Uncleared Transactions--MOTION to reconcile 2019-2023 uncleared outstanding checks back to account $1,406.78
  4. Ranch Rodeo--MOTION to discontinue Ranch Rodeo due to lack of attendance by Landon Cogburn, second by Courtney Smith; motion passed. Outstanding invoice for cattle and sponsorship for saddle. 
  5. Barrel Race--MOTION to discontinue Barrel Race due to lack of attendance by Levi Loveland, second by Tom Bledsoe; motion passed. 
  6. Committee Assignments--drawn from a hat--Levi Loveland--Carcass Contest; Tom Bledsoe--Royalty; Courtney Smith--Drug Testing; Landon Cogburn--Sale and Security; Aaron Helus--Premier Exhibitor; Isaia Aricayos--All Around Showmanship; Bailey Naibauer--Livestock Animal Health.
  7. Officer Elections--President--nomination open and closed--Aaron Helus; Vice President--nomination open and closed-- Landon Cogburn; Secretary--nomination open and closed -- Isaia Aricayos; Treasurer -- nomination open and closed -- Courtney Smith; all nominations accepted and passed.
  8. Committee Reports and Recommendations
  • Premier Exhibitor -- Aaron Helus -- nothing new at this time. 
  • Carcass Contest – Levi Loveland – additional checks need to be sent to winners.
  • All Around Showmanship – Isaia Aricayos – will need to check dog showmanship qualifications for State Fair and other issues brought up
  • Drug Testing – Courtney Smith – payline drug issues still being reviewed by USDA, poultry and rabbit testing should be ready by next year
  • JR. Livestock Sale – Landon Cogburn – loadout went well, broke records
  • Security, Parking, and Risk Management – Landon Cogburn – nothing new to report at this time
  • Royalty – Tom Bledsoe – two resignations received this weekend, currently there are three members and application process still open
  • Livestock Animal Health – Bailey Naibauer – superintendent Gordon Lydall resigned after over 28 years serving in that position, board wants to recognize his service, Mikayla will check into how we could do that; horse mentioned that vendor accessibility was an issue for some exhibitors; rabbit needs a few items including judging table and PA system; chickens will continue info boards, fair board wants committee to consider possible worst case scenario options for next year if need to cancel live show; beef wants new announcer and PA system and more security presence; hog showmanship move to Friday night after show – will continue to look into, need new panels and help setting up pens; beef needs tent big enough for caller and stands, hogs want the same tent if possible.

Announcements and General Discussion:

  1. Next Meeting Monday, November 4 at 6:00 p.m. at Extension Office.

Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Isaia K Aricayos
Weld County Fair Board Secretary