May 6, 2024 Minutes
Weld County Fair Board Minutes
November 6, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room 5 of the Exhibition Building at Island Grove Park, 525 North 15th Avenue in Greeley, Colorado.
Members Present: President Aaron Helus, Vice President Landon Cogburn, Secretary Isaia Aricayos, and Fair Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, Tom Bledsoe. Treasurer Courtney Smith was excused.
Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Extension Director Hannah Swanbom via Zoom, Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon, and 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood via Zoom.
Special Guests: Weld County Commissioner Perry Buck (via Zoom)
Agenda: Changes under Special Guests/Requests below.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused)
Special Guests/Requests:
- Commissioner Buck – excited and looking forward to the upcoming Fair and encouraged the Board to continue their good work.
- Royalty update – presented by Queen Katie Holcomb – busy with activities and promoting Fair; new sponsors added; Pat Kinval – Mead High School student interested in Weld Royalty attends; St. Vrain FFA and lives in Weld County, want Board feedback; motion by Tom Bledsoe to allow
elected Royalty to serve but have to be members of Weld County FFA or 4H club, second by Bailey Naibauer; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused)
Sidwell Family – came back from sheep show this weekend and son’s steer was found dead in pen due to illness; sister identified a couple steers; motion by Tom Bledsoe to allow late registration and ID with $100 penalty for replacement steer for the family deadline by 5/17/24 and work with Larry Hooker’s schedule, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused)
4) Chris Carpio – would like to discuss Avian flu found in dairy cattle in Weld County, discussion will happen during Fair Coordinator Update below.
Old Business:
1) Drug Testing Update – final draft approved by County Legal office.2) Fair Book Changes – rabbit ID Day location, keep the same day but change location to further north; will include wrist band rules as well in Fair Book.3) Working Budget – updates made, mail/postage fees will be charged later.4) Fair Coordinator Update – vendor applications received and closed; up 6 vendors from last year; recommendation from staff is to accept all applicants, Grubby’z is local bar and grill in Pearce, but not selling alcohol; discussion – rules in place to remove vendors at any time if needed, recommend we give them a chance; motion by Tom Bledsoe to approve all applications received, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused) Motion by Tom Bledsoe to allow Hat Creek Boutique (late applicant) to sell items as a vendor; second by Bailey Naibauer, motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused). Avian Flu in Dairy Cattle – Chris Carpio – testing all animals, if positive, quarantine 30 days, recommend heifers but not lactating cows, not a lot of animal-to-animal transfer found just yet, transmission found from wild birds to cows; Dairy Extravaganza will discuss at meeting next week; they are potentially looking toward more stall spacing; wash rack room is already an issue with limited space; Mikayla will attend a meeting with State Vet soon. Sponsorships – Agfinity willing to keep fuel station from Stampede on location for our use, Wild West will allow us to use same Stampede ATV’s (8 total) and a couple more golf carts will be available from another sponsor. Farm Bureau – unfortunately no sponsorship money available this year; working on finding other sponsors to backfill. BBQ fully sponsored; fundraising available for clubs and groups – information will be sent to groups shortly. Truck and tractor pull (NSBA) $20k cost – available date would be Saturday 7/13; will need to check sponsorships and availability; motion by Landon Cogburn to ask we investigate tractor pull to be held 7/13/24, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused). Need to check into security and liquor licensing and vendor items as well.
New Business:
1) Show Barn Flix – webcast proposal, $850 per ring per day; total $3400. Discussion – contacted other vendors who recommend Flix; public has asked about availability; will check into sponsor; will table discussion pending additional information.
2) July 1 Fair Board Meeting – change July 1 meeting to July 8 @ 6 PM, motion by Landon Cogburn, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused).
3) Committee Reports:
a. Premier Exhibitor – Landon Cogburn – Committee – looking ahead to additional meetings and sponsorships; motion to approve committee recommended Auschner’s to be officers and secretary by Landon Cogburn, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused)
b. Carcass Contest – Isaia Aricayos – Kristy Campbell – currently on schedule as planned, working on sponsorships, may not be fully funded by Fair this year, but will continue find sponsors.
c. All-Around Showmanship – Aaron Helus – Debbie Carpio – large animal judges secured; Kim working on small animal judges still.
d. Drug Testing – Courtney Smith – Lynn Erickson – all approved.
e. Education – Tom Bledsoe – Toni – motion to approve Cam’s Academy proposal total cost $303 by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused).
f. Jr Livestock Sale – Landon Cogburn – Board – updated and made additional buyer’s plaques, committee members will wear name tags; discussing backdrop updates for future fairs; finalized save the date post cards; 32 youth ambassadors signed up.
g. Security, Parking, and Risk Management – Levi Loveland – chair vacant – closing park down for set up on Tuesday, 7/23/24; 5 camper spots available still, will have temporary numbering spots for Fair event; 5/23/24 meeting 6 PM invite to All Season Events & Security, Sheriff's Posse, Posse, City teams, and Fair Board.
h. Royalty – Tom Bledsoe – 7/28/24 next committee meeting, 6:30 PM, board is invited to attend.
i. Livestock/Animal Health – Bailey Naibauer – Kristy Campbell – rules for bracelet usage, fines left to Fair Board to determine amount, motion by Tom Bledsoe to impose $100 fine for violations, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 6-0 (Smith excused)
Announcements/ General Discussion:
1) Next Meeting June 3 @ 6 PM, Extension Office.
2) Will request City to put up TV’s in barns – will add to agenda for security meeting to discuss.
Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 7:41 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Isaia K Aricayos
Weld County Fair Board Secretary