March 4, 2024 Minutes

Weld County Fair Board Minutes

Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 6:00 p.m.

Members Present: President Aaron Helus, Vice President Landon Cogburn, Secretary Isaia Aricayos, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe

Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon and 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood

Special Guests: Weld County Commissioner Mike Freeman (via Zoom)

Agenda: Additions under Old Business below

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 7-0

Special Guests/Requests:

  1. Royalty Update – Attendant Madison Miller – staying busy with activities and promoting Fair; new sponsors added.

Old Business:

1) Budget review – updating current working budget with expenditures.

2) Drug Testing – SOP and penalties being reviewed and discussed.
3) Sanctioning Fair with Beyond the Ring – application submitted and accepted; Fair is now sanctioned.
4) Vendor applications being accepted at this time – will ask board members to help review after closing application period.
New Business:

1) Fair book Changes – open classes - cleaning up and updating some of the classes with the direction of superintendents; motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland to accept proposed changes, motion passed: 7-0 4-H Fair classes are dictated from State 4-H; Livestock updates will be forthcoming.
2) Contracts – working with legal to create standardized form – security, music and tent contracts have been signed but need legal review and acceptance.
3) Lanyard and Wristbands - will order wristband for exhibitors and family members, lanyards for security and board members.
4) Still looking for Rabbit Superintendent and Judge – working through leads, if nothing by next month's meeting, will discuss other options.
5) Committee Reports:

  • Premier Exhibitor - Landon Cogburn - Committee - working on sponsorship now.
  • Carcass Contest - Isaia Aricayos - Kristy Campbell - letters sent to sponsor list and will place calls as well
  • All-Around Showmanship – Aaron Helus – Debbie Carpio – committee will be meeting soon
  • Drug Testing – Courtney Smith – Lynn Erickson – meeting schedule next week with BOCC, there will be changes to the Fair Book
  • Education – Tom Bledsoe – Toni – Cam’s Academy - will discuss with FFA teachers on things to work toward and change from last year if needed, email to CSU sent from Kim regarding Cam's Academy, not sure if grant funds is available again this year, sticking with similar days and format from last year
  • Jr Livestock Sale – Landon Cogburn – Board – officer elections completed – photography - want to use Megan again, question regarding live video feed for fair show rings is available - Mikayla will check into options, need vendor info for committee for the day of sale
  • Security, Parking, and Risk Management – Levi Loveland – vacant – camping reservations applications reviewed this evening, Craig, contract signed and waiting

    for approval

  • Royalty – Tom Bledsoe – working on sponsorships, meeting went well, ahead of last year in raising funds

  • Livestock/Animal Health – Bailey Naibauer – Kristy Campbell – drug testing discussion, wristbands working well and will get better, asked committee to develop SOP to enforce wristband usage, want to make exhibitor meetings as mandatory, no change to vet check, release all non-sale animals Sunday 2pm-9pm, Dairy and Beef request set up change due to change in route from door opening - Mikayla will check with city; motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland to accept recommendation from committee to change release time from 5 PM to 2 PM, motion passed: 7-0

Announcements/ General Discussion:

1) Next Meeting April 1 @ 6 PM, Extension Office

2) Livestock barn is covered under liquor license now and City will remove people from premises if alcohol is being consumed in building.

Meeting adjourned by Landon Cogburn at 7:27 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Isaia K Aricayos
Weld County Fair Board Secretary