July 29, 2023 Minutes

Weld County Fair Board Minutes

July 29, 2023

Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 1:00 p.m. at the Island Grove Park Buckle Club.

Members Present: Aaron Helus, Landon Cogburn, Levi Loveland, Tom Bledsoe and Courtney Smith.  Isaia Aricayos and Bailey Naibauer were excused.

Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Hannah Swanbom, Cheryl Aragon and Kim Eastwood

Committee Members Present: Cody LeBlanc and Bridget Holcomb

General Updates and Discussion Items:

Autumn Gunderson and her mom were present to address the Board about Autumn’s late nomination for Fair. Her Mom noted that they had a death in the family and that she herself has been battling cancer and going through treatment and this just slipped through the cracks. Her Mom wanted it to be known what they’ve been going through.

The Fair Board voted unanimously to uphold their initial ruling and President Helus stated he would contact the family.

It was reported that the Poultry Show and Pig Show are going well and that the Rabbit Show is done.

There was mention of hoses coming undone in the beef barn and a broken swamp cooler there.

The CAM’s Academy gave an update about their experiences at Fair. It was noted that Friday was slow but gearing up for a fun and busy Saturday and Sunday at various, high-traffic locations within the park.

Committee Member Cody LeBlanc reported that all members of the SNOW Committee, the Security and Risk Committee, and the Appreciation Lunches Committee would be resigning their positions effective August 7, 2023.

Announcements/ General Discussion:

  1. Next Meeting is July 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., Buckle Club

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned by President Helus at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Aragon
Fair Assistant and Acting Secretary