July 25, 2023 Minutes
Weld County Fair Board Minutes
July 25, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 1:00 p.m. at the Island Grove Park Buckle Club.
Members Present: Aaron Helus, Landon Cogburn, Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, Tom Bledsoe and Courtney Smith. Isaia Aricayos was excused.
Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Hannah Swanbom, Cheryl Aragon and Kim Eastwood
Committee Members Present: Cody LeBlanc
General Updates and Discussion Items:
Board President Aaron Helus reported that vet checks are going well.
He also noted that he spoke with the Jackson Place family, who were pleased with the Boards’ decision to allow him to show at Fair.
Board Member Tom Bledsoe expressed concern with an Extension staff member trying to tell the Royalty Court what to do. He stated that they didn’t know who she was. Pat Kindvall is the Chair and is taking care of things.
Committee Member Cody LeBlanc made note that no one knew she was supposed to be helping and that they didn’t need the assistance since they’ve been doing this a long time and know what they are doing and can handle things just fine.
It was clarified by staff that Kat Caswell is the Extension Agronomy Agent who was offering to assist wherever needed, so she was tasked with assisting the Royalty Court in whatever way she could, and that if they didn’t need her, she could easily be used in other ways to help with Fair.
President Helus stated that if the Rabbit Show was not set up by 5:00 that day, City staff would be directed to remove all supplies and equipment from that area.
Kim Eastwood reported that 4-H project check in was challenging this year due to the ticket booth and route used to enter the park. She stressed the importance of families having the ability to easily access the 4-H Building to drop off projects on this day.
Discussion ensued about the challenges with the wrist banding and questions about who gets a wrist band and who does not. It was suggested that there be different colors of bands used for exhibitors versus families, for example, and they be marked with Weld County Fair or something that would help to prevent people from buying bands and putting them on themselves. It was noted that this really could work with some good planning and good communication about it.
The Board voted unanimously to direct the Committee to assure that questions are being asked at Vet Checks about Exhibitors and numbers of family members requiring a wrist band to get better control over wrist band issuance.
Announcements/ General Discussion:
- Next Meeting is July 26, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., Buckle Club
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned by President Helus at 1:39 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Aragon
Fair Assistant and Acting Secretary