July 23-26, 2024 Daily Fair Board Meeting Minutes
Weld County Fair Board Minutes
July 23, 2024
Call To Order
The Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe. Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos was excused.
Ex-officio/Staff members present included Fair Coordinator Mikayla Gabel, Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Livestock Specialist Larry Hooker, 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood, and Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon.
President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Kindvall Request
The Kindvall family was present to request to show a different goat for Showmanship. They noted that it is her goat, and that it went to Vet Check. Vice President Cogburn moved, seconded by Board member Bledsoe to allow her to show that different goat for Showmanship. The motion carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
Board Member Bledsoe reported that campers are all in and that vendors will be checking in throughout the day. He stated that the Park is now closed and all points shown on the set ups and that the security team has been great to work with and are doing a good job.
Board Member Loveland concurred that the security team is doing a great job and noted that there will be some tweaks to the camper space availability next year, especially in the FS lot.
President Helus stated that goats are all in and all going well there.
Fair Coordinator Gabel shared a concern from the Harek family about wrist bands for an uncle and their concern that no one else can help with the animals. The Board reiterated that fellow 4-H and FFA members can help.
Fair Assistant Aragon noted that the vendor check in has gone well, and that already there are some ideas for adjustments for next year to be discussed at a later time.
Board Member Loveland stated that he believes there is a step missing in the breeding swine division that can be discussed and rectified. Discussion ensued about entries versus enrollment and whatever is decided, it needs to be consistent. Board Members generally agreed that a stance needs to be taken and then follow the rules.
Vice President Cogburn talked about get a 30 gallon transfer tank for fueling the ATV’s and golf carts, and the Board concurred that this would be a great way of fueling the vehicles throughout Fair and that he would be reimbursed for his purchases.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Helus adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
July 24, 2024
Call To Order
The Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe. Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos was excused.
Ex-officio/Staff members present included Fair Coordinator Mikayla Gabel, Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Livestock Specialist Larry Hooker, 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood, and Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon.
President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
It was noted that two campers are coming in today, but all is looking good at all camp sites.
It was also noted that there were some issues with the Photography Superintendent who arrived late and leaving early, so this will need to be considered going into next year.
JD Picket and Cassandra Keller with the City Parks Department were present as the Board discussed this years’ Park closure. It was decided to open the road at the western-most entry to the park (dirt road) to prevent concerns from the City.
Vice President Cogburn reported that market Heifers ae here and that all seems go be going well in the goat barn and noted that the timing of the goat show and the horse show worked out well.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Helus adjourned the meeting at 12:42 p.m.
July 25, 2024
Call To Order
The Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe. Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos was excused.
Ex-officio/Staff members present included Fair Coordinator Mikayla Gabel, Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Livestock Specialist Larry Hooker, 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood, and Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon.
President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Banners were discussed. They are not felt, but it was note that winners are getting several other items. It was shared that the larger ones are preferred and that they should be ordered 6 weeks out and given out at Recognition Night. Board Member Bledsoe so moved, seconded by Board Member Naibauer. Motion carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
Vice President Cogburn made note that the Livestock Committee will need a hard look next year as some things went undone this year, and Board Member Loveland agreed.
Board Member Loveland reported that a cow got loose but was safely returned, that there are some goat issues going on and being worked through, and that rabbits came in late.
It was also noted that the Security Team, while doing a great job, have been somewhat aggressive in some situations. Andy Gonzales, All Season Security was present and appreciated the feedback so he could have that discussion with his team at each shift.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Helus adjourned the meeting at 1:16 p.m.
July 26, 2024
Call To Order
The Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe. Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos was excused.
Ex-officio/Staff members present included Fair Coordinator Mikayla Gabel, Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Livestock Specialist Larry Hooker, 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood, and Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon.
President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
It was noted that the swine weigh in went quickly.
There was an issue brought up about the drug testing and the timing of it such that photos were taken while that was being done while Dr. Campbell was taking the sample. More to come on this situation and the family who has issues with the way it happened.
There will be a protest filed in All Around.
All Around Security was present to discuss hours and suggested that they cut to two guards throughout the night and 1 at the Arena as a means of keeping with quoted hours and dollars.
Fair Coordinator Gabel stated that turkey cages are being borrowed from Adams County and that they need to be picked up on Monday morning. Vice President Cogburn moved that these cages be borrowed but stipulate to Adams County that they must be sanitized and cleansing prior to pick up. The motioned was seconded by Board Member Loveland and it carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
Board Member Bledsoe stated that the pig move-in went great today.
Board Member Smith shared that the Royalty Interviews earlier that day were top notch.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Helus adjourned the meeting at 1:11 p.m.
July 27, 2024
Call To Order
The Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Secretary Isaia Aricayos, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Levi Loveland and Tom Bledsoe. Board Member Bailey Naibauer was excused.
Ex-officio/Staff members present included Fair Coordinator Mikayla Gabel, Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Livestock Specialist Larry Hooker, 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood, and Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon.
President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
The Stone family was present to speak about their protest that had been filed with the Fair Board about a rule that they believe penalizes an exhibitor for winning. They stressed that showmanship is all about time put in and work ethic. They also stressed that no one on the Board is interpreting this rule the same and that they’d come to the Board about this very issue in 2022.
The Board referenced the rules and the letter received.
Vice President Cogburn stated that valid points had been presented, and that it is questionable if it is vague. He agreed thought that this section could be looked at for sure for clarity.
Jodi Stone state that there should not be rules that cannot be enforced.
Discussion ensued about the various aspects of this rule, and it was stressed that it was a different Board in 2022 when this was brought up. It was discussed that a rule book review committee could be assembled so that rules are looked at each year.
Vice President Cogburn shared though, that whenever the Board is looking for help on Committees, etc., no one steps up, so this will be an important one if changes are to be made.
Secretary Aricayos moved, seconded by Vice President Cogburn to review all sections of the Rules as an admirable goal. The motion carried: 6-0 (Naibauer excused)
Vice President Cogburn moved, seconded by Board Member Bledsoe to cancel the July 28, 2024, meeting considering the Community BBQ and the Ranch Rodeo. The motion carried: 6-0 (Naibauer excused)
The Fair Board agreed to get flowers for Haley Holliday from the Fair Board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Helus adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
Announcements/ General Discussion
- Next Meeting September 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Weld County Training Room, 1104 H Street, Greeley
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Aragon, Fair Assistant on behalf of
Weld County Fair Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos