December 4, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Aaron Helus, Isaia Aricayos, Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, Tom Bledsoe and Courtney Smith
Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Hannah Swanbom, Mikayla Gabel, Larry Hooker, and Kim Eastwood
Agenda: additions under new business
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed.
Special Guests/Requests:
1) Royalty Update - presented by Duke Nikoli - meeting of the committee on November 2, Christmas Tree decorating at UCCC; three winter light parades scheduled for this month, working on additional sponsors.
2) Matt and Zemery Webber - Zemery would like to show her goat and horse but has a schedule conflict, she is asking board to consider changing the schedule to accommodate her and other exhibitors in similar conflict.
Old Business:
Announcements/ General Discussion:
Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 7:27 PM
Respectfully Submitted, Isaia K Aricayos Weld County Fair Board Secretary