August 7, 2023 Minutes
Weld County Fair Board Minutes
August 7, 2023
The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.
Members Present: Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe. Board Secretary Isaia Aracayos was excused.
Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Hannah Swanbom, Cheryl Aragon, Larry Hooker and Kim Eastwood
Special Guests: Committee Members Andy Raff, Cody Leblanc and Bridget Holcomb
Invocation: Vice President Cogburn provided the Invocation
Pledge: President Helus led the Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda: The July 10, 2023, Meeting Minutes were added to the Agenda for approval.
Consent Agenda:
- Daily Meetings Minutes During Fair
- July 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes
- July Financial Report
The Consent Agenda was approved with the addition of the July 10, 2023, Meeting Minutes.
Special Guests/Requests:
- Commissioner Buck – was present via Zoom and provided no report.
Old Business:
There was no old business brought forward for discussion.
Fair Board Members shared overall thoughts about the 2023 Fair. It was noted that feedback has been received that it was a good Fair and Fair Exhibitors, families, and Fair goers enjoyed their experiences here. All agreed that any hiccups or issues encountered can certainly be overcome and taken into consideration during the planning for 2024 and that all went well despite not having a Fair Coordinator and expressed gratitude for Extension and other Fair staff for taking on extra responsibilities to get through. They also expressed that they learned a lot and gained additional respect for all the behind-the-scenes activity and responsibilities.
Committee Member Raff noted that the support and hands-on approach from the Fair Board Members this year was appreciated and extremely valuable.
Fair and Extension staff members also expressed appreciation for the Fair Board being fully engaged and partnering in all aspects of the Fair and noted that it created a team-like approach and encouragement about working together going into the planning for 2024.
New Business:
- Appreciation Lunches: Board Member Lovland reported that approximately 2,000 people were served during the BBQ and that all went well.
- Premier Exhibitor: Vice President Cogburn reported that all went well and the shortfall on money was made up.
- Carcass Contest: Board Secretary Aracayos reported that there was a good turnout and that the ultrasound process went well. He noted that the data was sent to CSU for ranking.
- All Around Showmanship: President Helus reported that both large and small all-around showmanship went well.
- SNOW: No Report
- Drug Testing: Board Member Smith reported that all went well and that no results have been received yet. She noted that they are soliciting ideas for updates to the SOP's for next year and that the Committee will continue to talk about this process.
- Education: Board Member Bledsoe reported that the CAM's roving projects were a great addition this year. 4-H Agent Eastwood provided some statistics about participation this year.
- Jr. Livestock Sale: Vice President Cogburn reported that this was another record-breaking year and was a huge success. He noted that the Judge he escorted from the airport could not believe the numbers here a the County level.
- Security, Parking and Risk Management: There was not report offered. President Helus reported that he has received resignation letters from the committee, Bri Hatch and Alex Miller. Committee Member Holcomb reported that there were concerns about underage drinking and partying; made not of a young girl aspirating from her own vomit after drinking too much; shared concerns about incidents not being reported correctly and concerns about the process for reporting.
- Royalty: Committee Member Holcomb reported that there are 4 new Royalty members for 2024, including one male member. She noted that the coronation will be in October.
- Livestock Animal Health: Committee Member Rath thanked Vice President Cogburn for his time and effort picking up the Pig Judge from the airport. He noted that there are rule changes that will need to get incorporated. He also noted that Allen will not be returning to the Committee Next year and he himself is undecided about returning. He will decide soon about that. He also reported that nominations are out for livestock judges and that he would get something out in the newsletter and expressed kudos to Countryside Vet for bet checks noting that they were run very will. Committee member Holcomb red her resignation letter from the SNOW, Security and Risk, and Appreciation Lunch Committees into the record and noted that she would have Committee final reports in the coming week submitted to the Fair Office. Committee Member LeBlanc read a summary of his resignation letter from the SNOW, Security and Risk, and Appreciation Lunch Committees into the record and asked the Weld County Council to do a full audit of the Weld County Fair and Extension Office.
Announcements/ General Discussion:
- The next regular meeting of the Fair Board was set for Monday, September 11, 2023.
Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 6:45 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Aragon
Acting Fair Secretary