April 3, 2023 Minutes

Weld County Fair Board Minutes

April 3, 2023

The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Aaron Helus in the Extension Office at Island Grove Regional Park, 525 North 15th Avenue, Greeley.

Members Present: Those present were President Helus and Vice President Landon Cogburn, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe.  Secretary Isaia Aricayos was excused.

Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Hannah Swanbom, Cheryl Aragon (via Zoom), Larry Hooker (via Zoom) and Kim Eastwood

Special Guests: Committee Members Cody Leblanc and Bridget Holcomb

Invocation: President Helus led the Invocation.

Pledges: President Helus lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda:There were no changes to the agenda.

Consent Agenda

  1. March Minutes - Board Member Bledsoe moved, seconded by Board Member Loveland to approve the March Minutes as presented.  The motion carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
  2. Financial Report - The March Financial Report was approved as presented.

Special Guests/Requests:

  1. Commissioner Saine – Commissioner Saine was not present.
  2. Royalty Court - It was noted that the Royalty Courts' next event is the Goat Extravaganza.

Old Business:

  1. None

New Business:

  1. Valley Ag 4-H Club Shavings Sale: Board Member Bledsoe moved, seconded by Board Member Smith to approve the Valley Ag 4-H Club Shavings Sale. The motion carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
  2. Board Member Smith noted that she would talk with her husband about removing the shavings.
  3. Platte Valley Wrestling Help: The Platte Valley Wrestling Club has confirmed that they will be assisting again this year with set up for open classes, as well as banner placements in show rings, etc.
  4. Wayne Johnson Contractor: Discussion was held about payment for Wayne Johnson who helps at Fair with vet checks, hanging signs, and all around anything that needs to be done. Board Member Bledsoe moved, seconded by Board Member Cogburn to pay Wayne Johnson $150 per day during the Fair.
  5. Director Swanbom: Director Swanbom reported that along with feedback from the Extension and Fair Board staff, she has decided to not hire a Fair Coordinator after Jenette Masarie’s recent resignation, until following this years’ Fair, most likely in the Fall. She noted that the Fair Admin, Cheryl, would be the primary contact on all things Fair related and would then disseminate or ask for assistance from there. She spent time with Jenette before she left and made numerous notes about various things and is willing to help keep things going and assuring nothing falls through the cracks by working with other staff, the Board and all Committees.
    Discussion ensued about not hiring a Fair Coordinator now, and Director Swanbom stressed that it is important to search for the right fit for this position and doing that now would be rushed and the candidate pool may not be now what it could be in the fall. She added that there may be aspects of the position description that she would like to tweak to reflect additional responsibilities considering the potential for a new building at Island Grove Park.  Director Swanbom assured the Board that the Extension staff has no intention of taking over and running the Fair but are all certainly willing and ready to roll up their sleeves and assist as needed to make sure it goes off successfully. She added that the Fair Administrative Assistant will go full time about one month sooner than normal, and that the Data Entry Clerk has been hired, and an intern is being interviewed as a second set of hands, along with two other interns who are returning from last summer.
    Director Swanbom shared that she would like to host an informational meeting before Fair starts with Fair Board Members and Superintendents. More about that coming.  Finally, the Fair Board agreed to regularly meet each day during Fair, Sunday through Sunday at 1:00 p.m. n the Fair Board Room at the Event Center, except that on July 30th, the Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. Board Member Cogburn so moved, seconded by Board Member Smith. The motion carried: 6-0 (Aricayos excused)
  6. Committee Reports (Board representation assignments drawn from hat annually)
  • Committee Attendance/Procedures: It was noted that the Fair Board be even more involved this year in Fair in light of a vacancy in the Fair Coordinator position. Committees were reminded to send their committee meeting summaries to the Fair Board Chair so that briefings can be provided at Fair Board meetings.
  • Royalty: Royalty is still working on donations, and it was reported that they are 2/3 of the way there.
  • Education:  April 20th is the next meeting, and a contract needs to be sent to Director Swanbom for legal review. When Fair is busiest, tables and chairs will be needed for 20 people. Space will be decided on soon, and tents need to be provided.
  • Premier Exhibitor: Premier Exhibitor is still looking for a committee chair. A meeting is needed with current members to get things going and get on track.
  • Jr. Livestock Sale: Flying M will do the photos again this year.
  • Drug Testing: Tests will be $80, and all tests will be sent on Monday morning with results in 24 hours. If positive, it will be 10 days. The Committee is working on SOP’s to bring to the May Fair Board Meeting.
  • Carcass Contest: Everything is on track, and ultrasounds are set up.
  • All Around Showmanship: Next meeting will be before the next Livestock Meeting.
  • Security, Parking, and Risk Management: All has gone fairly smoothly with camping reservations, with a few spots still available. Orozco will be utilized again this year for security, and the check-in station will be set up at Centennial Village to eliminate the public from coming back to the livestock parking area. Color coded parking passes will also be utilized for campers and exhibitors with courtesy shuttles at grandstand parking.
  • Livestock Animal Health: The Board re-ratified rule changes from an email chain on January 18, 2023, which need to be included in Aprils Meeting Minutes in order to be included in the Fair Book for this year.
  • Appreciation Lunches/Fair BBQ: It was noted that lists have been made of what is needed to be purchased for appreciation lunches and the Fair BBQ.
  • SNOW (Sponsorship, Grounds, entertainment, vendors): An update was provided on Shining Star and Friends of the Fair writings; sponsorships are at $25,000 monetary, $11,000 in in-kind sponsorships; and the Vendor Packet and changes to the application are due to the Fair Administrative Assistant by Wednesday, April 5th.

Announcements/ General Discussion:

  1. The next regular meeting of the Fair Board was set for Monday, May 1, 2023.

Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bailey Naibauer
Weld County Fair Board Member and Acting Secretary