April 1, 2024 Minutes

Weld County Fair Board Minutes


Meeting called to order by President Aaron Helus at 6:00 p.m.

Members Present: President Aaron Helus, Vice President Landon Cogburn, Secretary Isaia Aricayos, Treasurer Courtney Smith, and Board Members Bailey Naibauer, Levi Loveland, and Tom Bledsoe

Ex-Officio/Staff Present: Extension Director Hannah Swanbom, Fair Assistant Cheryl Aragon and 4-H Specialist Kim Eastwood

Special Guests: Weld County Commissioner Perry Buck (via Zoom)

Agenda: additions under Old Business below

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 7-0

Special Guests/Requests:

  1. Royalty update – Duke Nikolai – busy with activities and promoting Fair; new sponsors added.

Old Business:

1) Drug Testing Update – Tuesday, April 9, work session scheduled.
2) Motion to approve Teri Hirsch as Rabbit Superintendent by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 7-0
3) Contracts pending signatures for vendors and judges
4) RV Camper Spaces Update – only 5 spaces left available; collecting reservation fees now, but will use online payments next year
5) Vendor Update – applications live online – 32 apps received thus far – mixed retail, food, static, beverage; board will review and approve vendors at next board meeting
6) Budget Update – line items updated; camper reservations income also updated
New Business:

1) Premier Exhibitor application – MOTION to accept committee recommendation member application by Tom Bledsoe, second by Isaia Aricayos; motion passed:7-0 Rabbit show changes including judging starting at 2:00 PM by Courtney Smith, second by Tom Bledsoe; motion passed:7-0
2) Fair book changes – list provided, working with Tribune for print copies.
3) Sponsorships – Colorado Farm Bureau will help with an award, tents, and other items; looking for sponsor for printing cost of Fair Book
4) Fund Raising Opportunities – looking for groups who could help and raise funds for their own groups that Fair could hire
5) Greeley Stampede – Royalty is in the parade; perhaps Board and Fair representatives could be involved; motion to have a parade entry for Fair Board by Landon Cogburn, second by Courtney Smith; motion passed:7-0
Committee Reports

    • Premier Exhibitor – Landon Cogburn – Committee – nothing to report at this time.
    • Carcass Contest – Isaia Aricayos – Kristy Campbell – nothing to report at this time. 
    • All-Around Showmanship – Aaron Helus – Debbie Carpio – nothing to report at this time.
    • Drug Testing – Courtney Smith – Lynn Erickson – working on SOP language for rabbit and poultry.
    • Education – Tom Bledsoe – Shannon Bailey – Cam’s Academy – nothing to report at this time.
    • Jr Livestock Sale – Landon Cogburn – Board – officer elections completed – no changes; motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed. Working on photographer communications, superintendents to help set up banner, new design for sale block.
    • Security, Parking, and Risk Management – Levi Loveland – vacant – checked on RV spots, member added this evening, need additional members if anyone knows someone interested, please ask to apply.
    • Royalty – Tom Bledsoe – update by Jadalynn Frazier.
    • Livestock/Animal Health – Bailey Naibauer – Kristy Campbell – judge and officer recommendations made; recommendation to allow check-out of kids after carcass contest who are not competing further (following established times in Fair Book) change from having to wait until Sunday; motion to approve recommendation by committee by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed:7-0 Officer recommendations from committee motion to accept by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0. Poultry judge recommendations; motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Isaia Aricayos; motion passed: 7-0. Rabbit judge recommendations – motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Courtney Smith; motion passed: 7-0 Goat judge recommendations – motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 7-0 Sheep judge recommendations – motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0 Swine judge recommendations – motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0 Cattle Market and Breeding judge recommendations – motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0 pending Horse and Dairy recommendations; schedule change recommendations for swine breeding first, then market, break and then showmanship, motion by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0 Schedule change recommendations for horse showmanship and halter, add superintendent, and add third judge to Monday for trail; motion to accept recommendations by Tom Bledsoe, second by Levi Loveland; motion passed: 7-0 Discussion of goat show move to 11:00 am from 9:00 am to avoid overlap with horse; looking at other options such as moving horse show or sheep shows; starting goats later affects other species and may add conflicts;  to send back discussion to committee to review schedule to resolve conflict by Tom Bledsoe, second by Landon Cogburn; motion passed: 7-0

Announcements/ General Discussion:
1) Next Meeting May 6 @ 6 PM, Extension Office
2) Ag mechanic and restoration project removal need addressed for logistical reasons with other exhibitors in the same building during clean and set up for Sale
3) Live streaming shows – looking into options and logistics at this time
4) Sheep ID day May 7 – volunteer help needed

Meeting adjourned by Aaron Helus at 7:11 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Isaia K Aricayos
Weld County Fair Board Secretary